St. Peters Hospice

Everyone with a life limiting illness deserves access to the best possible care and to live their final days with dignity.

Every year St Peter's Hospice makes a difference in the lives of thousands of patients and their families when it matters most.

Whether that is help managing pain, bereavement support or providing relief from symptoms, the hospice team works 24/7 to support individuals and families as they navigate the challenges of living with a life limiting illness. 

Our Inpatient Unit is a state of the art centre of clinical excellence, that was built with the generous support of the people of Bristol. Beyond our Inpatient Unit, you'll find our team in homes and on the phone 24/7. More recently in response to the pandemic we have moved some services online to continue support for our patients.

The Hospice is also a centre of educational excellence and we teach other healthcare professionals about how to care for people at the end of their lives, supporting the NHS and care homes provide end of life care.