Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Lincolnshire, UK
Job summary The service is designed to provide an integrated model of social care that promotes a positive experience for service users and carers across the whole service. LPFT have a Section 75 agreement under the National Health Service Act (2006) where Lincolnshire County Council have devolved their assessment and care management duties to LPFT. Social work in the Trust is delivered through a Community Social Care Resource where social care staff are aligned to the integrated community teams but are managed and supervised from within the social care resource. Three distinct Social Work teams exist covering the East, West and South of the county respectively. Each team has a Team Manager and mangers are expected to work closely in order to provide a consistent service across the county. This post of Social Work Assistant is a key role in the Trust's Community Social Care Resource providing reablement work with our service users and supporting them to maximise their independence...